Don’t chuck away those leftovers. There could be a way of making another meal out of them, saving you money on buying extra groceries and reducing your household waste. Here are just a few creative ways to make use of leftover food.

Blend it into a soup
Practically anything can be turned into a soup. Meat and vegetables from an Xmas or Thanksgiving roast could be turned into a tasty festive soup. Leftover chili can meanwhile be turned into a spicy chili soup. Having a blender could allow you to blend up all the ingredients, however a chunky broth could be just as tasty. Try using seasoning to play with the flavor.
Combine it into a curry
It’s also possible to make a curry out of leftover ingredients. This is particularly useful for getting rid of leftover meats, but can also be great for getting rid of vegetables. You’ll need a good selection of spices to help achieve that curry flavor. Online you’ll find plenty of homemade curry recipes that you can try.
Put it into pasta
There may also be nifty ways of incorporating leftover ingredients into pasta dishes. For instance, if you’ve got some leftover chicken, this easy chicken spaghetti casserole could be a great solution. Leftover veggies can also be incorporated into pasta dishes. Lasagnas are particularly well suited for those that want to get inventive with ingredients.
Whip up a stir fry
Stir fries are also great dishes for reusing leftovers. You simply throw the food into a pan and stir. Obviously, for that authentic Asian feel, you’ll want to also add some noodles and some extra spices. There are lots of recipes for stir fries that involve leftovers online.
Add it to an omelette
You could even eat last night’s leftovers for breakfast by turning them into an omelette. It’s possible to put most food inside an omelette. Leftover pizza is one food that can work surprisingly well – cut a leftover slice up into tiny pieces and sprinkle them inside the omelette.
Tips when using leftovers
There are a few rules you want to follow when cooking with leftovers. These could stop you from making yourself sick. These rules include:
· Don’t cook with leftovers of leftovers. You only want to reheat food once.
· Consume your leftovers within four days. Some foods will last longer, but in most cases food will start to go off after four days. The smell test is usually a good indicator as to whether something is off.
· Always cover up leftovers when refrigerating them. This will stop the air getting to them and could stop them drying out. Cling film or Tupperware are good options for keeping food airtight.
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