Working from home... It's the dream right? No more getting up and ready in the morning. No more stressing over being late or getting stuck in stop and go traffic. No more stale office smells and small talk chit chats in the break room. If you are anything like me then these are all things you would love to avoid. I'm not the most social person when I don't want to be and working in a group setting came with extra anxious pressures I just prefer to avoid. I'm not saying I don't like people, but when I'm working I prefer to focus on work and when I'm social I want to be engaged in the social event or person I am with.
Maybe none of these apply to you and you just want to spend more time with your family, or you travel and need to work from where ever when ever. Regardless, of your 'WHY" it's becoming more and more desirable and common to be able to work remotely or from home. I have compiled a short list of the ways you can work from home and the benefits.
Do what I do...Blog!
I love blogging. When I became pregnant with my son Milo I looked online for all kinds of parenting tips and 'how to's' and what I learned is that most of the articles I was reading came from a blogger. Some bloggers write about personal experience and share their tips and tricks from things they have gone through and the lessons and knowledge gained along the way. Others write about a topic or niche they are masters at and educated in. For example a pediatrician may write about health and wellness advice geared toward children, or on a personal note a motherhood & lifestyle blogger, like myself, may write about they things she learned through a particular experience. If you have a skill or knowledge on a particular subject maybe consider writing about it and sharing your experience with others.
Network Marketing
Network marketing can have a bad rep from people who spam for sales, but if done correctly and professionally it can be very rewarding. I currently work for a direct sales company that I love, Zyia Active. If you want to know more about ZYIA leave me a comment below or shoot me an email at emmmadawn@gmail.com. One of the great things about direct sales when done properly is that you get what you give and all that giving can be done from a vacation destination or the sofa in pajamas. Plus, you get a discount on the products you sell. So make sure when choosing a company to represent you like and use what you are selling. The public and your peers can sniff out a phony and if you are not authentic in your approach customers won't trust you, meaning they won't buy from you.
Virtual Consulting
With so much work done online these days the need for an in person assistant is dwindling. Many people are opting to save money with a virtual assistant. Answering emails, setting up meetings, managing day to day tasks and so much more can now all be done through the power of the internet. Meaning the option to work from home is becoming more and more a reality. I manage my consulting firm from home. Bookkeeping, Payroll, Website Design, Business Development Planning are all things that can also be freelanced from home. Bookkeeping and payroll are one of the first things a new business will outsource and you don't need a college degree to consult on these services. Quickbooks Online is the main service I use as an at home Financial Consultant.
Become a Freelance Writer
If you have a passion for writing then why not turn that passion into a profit. Whether you want to earn some income on the side or turn writing into a full time gig, freelancing is the easiest and most free form way to do this. Avoid having to work your way up in a publishing firm, freelance writing grants you the opportunity to become a published author in no time! Find out more on becoming a freelance writer: here
Love Traveling? If you love to travel and have a passion for worldly cultures and exotic destinations why not become an at home travel agent!? Share your travel tips and help others get to the destinations of their dreams, while getting paid of course. So many options when it comes to working from home these days. You also don't have to limit yourself to just one. If you want to become a at home travel agent, why not promote your services and share your experiences through a blog to increase your at home income? If you want to know more about starting a blog check out my Blogging 101 series on YouTube. Learn more on becoming a Travel Agent: here
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